
How to change desktop background or wallpaper in Windows 11

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Windows has always amazed u.s.a. with its collection of wallpapers; however, Windows eleven took a pace forward in improving the aesthetics and usability. The wallpapers and themes have been created such that the contrast created betwixt the background and the text is easier to read.

How to modify wallpaper in Windows 11

How to change Windows 11 wallpaper

The default wallpaper of Windows 11 (Period) is amazing only if you wish to change the wallpaper, yous have iv more options in the system itself. The procedure to change Windows 11 wallpaper is equally follows:

  1. Right-click on the Kickoff push and select Settings.
  2. Go to the Personalization tab on the list on the left-hand side.
  3. Click on Background to expand its carte du jour.
  4. For Personalize your groundwork, keep the option selected at Moving picture.
  5. At present, select whatsoever groundwork wallpaper from the list of 5 images shown.

Alternatively, y'all can choose from more than backgrounds by selecting Browse photos respective to Cull a photo.

To select from the various versions of Windows default wallpapers, go to the default Windows wallpaper location ie at C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper. So open the folders and use the wallpaper of your pick.

Similarly, you tin can make whatever other epitome on your system the wallpaper for Windows 11.

This post volition show y'all how to change Theme, Lock Screen & Wallpaper in Windows 11.

Categories of Windows 11 wallpapers

The new Windows 11 wallpapers are cute and well in contrast with the theme text. We checked the default wallpapers at the location C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper and found that the default Windows wallpapers are of 4K size which is 3840×2400.

The Wallpaper folder has 5 categories of wallpapers –

  1. Captured move,
  2. Flow,
  3. Glow,
  4. Sunrise,
  5. Windows.

Nosotros institute some boosted wallpapers in the folder C:\Windows\Web\touchkeyboard. However, these wallpapers are of the size 2736×1539.

Interestingly, none of these wallpaper images use the Windows logo. Near of the wallpapers accept options for both the lite theme and the dark theme.

Let us talk over the wallpaper options individually:

  1. TouchKeyboard wallpapers
  2. Captured Move
  3. Flow
  4. Glow
  5. Sunrise
  6. Windows

1] TouchKeyboard wallpapers

Windows 11 wallpapers review

The wallpapers on the TouchKeyboard folder are a kind of 3D modern art. One resembles a sand-dune while others are symbolic of astronomical figures.

2] Captured Move

How to download the latest Windows 11 wallpaper

The Captured Motion wallpapers are an astonishing piece of art in which 3D views of flowing current of air, flowers and petals, and droplets have been captured.

3] Flow

How to download the latest Windows 11 wallpaper

Flow is another series of Windows xi wallpapers which are 3D nonetheless images of an credible flower blooming.

4] Glow

Windows 11 best wallpapers

If y'all are searching for beautiful wallpapers to lucifer with the Dark Fashion of your system, effort the Glow series wallpapers which stand for the dark.

5] Sunrise

Wallpapers for Windows 11

The interesting function with Windows 11 wallpapers is that unlike Windows 10, they didn't focus much on nature based wallpapers. More often than not, the wallpapers are 3D art. Notwithstanding, if you are fond of nature imagery, endeavor the Sunrise series of wallpapers.

6] Windows

Windows 11 default wallpapers

The default Windows wallpapers accept received much-deserved appreciation from Windows xi users. You accept options for both light mode and nighttime way.

How to download the latest Windows 11 wallpaper

Those who are using Windows 10/viii/7 and wish to check all the Windows xi wallpapers at in one case and download them accordingly, can do and so here from there are some excellent Windows eleven wallpapers y'all can download.

Please let u.s.a. know in the annotate section if it was helpful.

How to change Windows 11 wallpaper


Karan Khanna is a passionate Windows user who loves troubleshooting Windows 11/10 problems in specific and writing about Microsoft technologies in general.


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